Osama bin Laden, born in Riyadh is the son of a Syrian concubine, and was too low in status among his people to be of any more significance that a random Sultan whose importance was based on his lack of intelligence and silver spooned fortune made him scorned by the higher society of the community of Muslim royals who had been friends with his father. Being a jealous father, he reacted by making Jihad publicly so his betters would pay attention to him; and caused the torture and death of thousands. Yet, still he is only a grand hero to fools who would imagine him a noble when he is nothing but the son of an unimportant whore, a women who gave herself up to a jealous father for wealth and security rather than trek the truth of life using her independence as a staff to the mountain of her glory. Rather, she choose the simply route, that of a harem wife; rather than marry an equal who would honor her soul of destiny.

The harem is more often an insult to the Jinn Queen; where ages ago this tradition was made popular by the jealous fathers of Islam when they saw the glory of the freedom of our tribes, the freedom of our dress and dance – and stole our females for their own pleasures. Yet the jealous fathers of Islam would have their females in Mecca dress in the garment of slaves; carrying on the sick traditions of the Caliph and Mohammad, may his name be blotted out forever; and he cursed forever.

Osama bin Laden and his kind are always low in status; and they always act with unnecessary violence on innocents.

The Jinn Queen gives back what men like Osama bin Laden tries to steal from the souls of Arabians. She gives back the spirit of civilization, song, folklore, love, poetry, dance, our magick and our ancient Gods.

Know and return to the ancient Gods of the Arabians; and let inferiors in status like Osama bin Laden eat the dung of the camel and the horse which is a fitting diet for a jealous father of Islam.

Brigitte Gabriel is a Middle Eastern Women who battles with courage against the Jealous Fathers of Islam. Truly a remarkable women; who shows courage in the face of the slavery that Islam imposes on the freedom of women. Here is a video where she speaks.

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