I do hereby Command all Arabians to begin the destruction of Islam. Obey or be destroyed by Our magic!

I agree with American Politicians when they vote to send troops to Middle Eastern countries to punish terrorists and break up dictatorships that are oppressing people. I rejoiced when they decided to sneak into Pakistan to execute Bin Laden, which was a wonderfully planned raid on an evil terrorist. Any Middle Eastern country that has embraced evil Islam, bloodthirsty Allah, and male chauvinist pig Mohammad is not worth having around, and they should all convert to anything but Islam and stop picking on other religions. The sheer intolerance that even the moderate Muslim tries to impose on everyone is an insult to anyone who has tasted freedom for even a second.

Islam has proved itself to be a demon in the guise of something conservative that would hinder, destroy, slander, terrorize and other cause mahaigne when it dominates a geography. The sooner it willingly destroys itself, the better off the world and humanity will be free from its oppression.

Meanwhile, Arabians need not suffer from being within its bonds, and all they have to do is to go back to the Ancient Arabian Gods. My suggestion is for everyone to do so soon, and avoid the recoil that is slowly building itself up in the Middle East.

To start off, do the Invocation of Al Quam everyday, in secret if you must and begin creating secret temples of the Gods in the Middle East. In this manner, the Jinn Queen can come back and enjoy the company of fellow pagan Arabians where we can mutually return the music, the love making, the dancing, the drinking, and the wonderful garment of our ancestors. Why, in a few months, when everyone is back to the ancient worship a new joy will spread across the Middle East, and peace everywhere will be possible. We can build giant cities with the wonderful ancient architecture of our ancestors, and occult science and natural science will dance together in celebration of a new wondrous age free from previous restrictions.

It is time to end this madness, and throw the evils of the past behind us, completely eradicate this senseless Islam and return to the Gods.

What a wonderful world we will have then! The Dancing and Music and the joy will not cease!

Of course, in the long run I will win my aspiration, and even live to see it. Yet, if you resist what I have willed you will continue to upset My Karmic Levers, my spells and the wrath of the Gods – especially Al Quam will punish the Middle East in ways that you are only beginning to see.

So you see? All you have to do is come willingly, and assist in the destruction of Islam in the Middle East and all will be well. The alternative is the Jinn Queen will continue to bombard the Middle East with her sorcery until the Middle East yields. Of course, any intelligent Arab would listen to me, and begin by the Invocation of Al Quam. All others will eventually be punished by the Gods.

Therefore I, the Jinn Queen command all Arabians to begin the destruction of Islam or you will continue to be destroyed by our magic.

Interview with a Jinn Queen

(Interview done at 10:01 a:m and 45 seconds somewhere in Los Angeles California Saturday, October 17 2009. Interview ended from yellow journalist type reporter with little or no culture. Although the Interviewer did not show the proper respect to the Jinn Queen for an intelligent conversation, the Interviewer did drop the recorder which was passed on to Us for public printing.)

Interviewer: I should start this interview by asking you how you actually got here at precisely 10:01 a:m and from where?
Jinn Queen: I was already here with you in spirit for you to find me.
Interviewer: Say what?...
Jinn Queen: No odds, lets me get right to the frankness of the wagon I'm fixing.
Interviewer: You'll have to stop speaking in riddles and speak plainly or this whole interview is blown.
Jinn Queen: (smile from Queen) I mean that I'm with volition fixing there wagon on the hill, so it goes tumbling down in the valley. I have to be everywhere to do that, silly man.
Interviewer: OK, fine. Then lets get to the meat. You do not plan terrorist attacks against anyone. You have all these wild claims to black magic powers. You dress nothing like traditional Islam and want the world to worship your Arabian Gods who no one cares about and no one has ever heard of. So what can your tribe do? What does Los Angeles have to do with this quest to make yourself the head honcho with the big sombrero in the Middle East.
Jinn Queen: Islam has no traditions. What they call traditions are either stolen for other cultures; or adopted from the tribes they butchered long ago. Even the architecture that they claim to be Islam is Islamic propaganda trying to sway naive people into believing they are anything more than the blind leading the blind.
Interviewer: Fine, lets go with that. Your traditional Arabian; and there are all copies of this or that culture. How do you intend to eliminate everyone's belief in the Middle East and establish yourself?
Jinn Queen: All I have to do is continue to exist; and there can be no room for a culture, so called, with no manifested spiritual current from on high.
Interviewer: OK, I sort of understand that but what are you doing in L.A..
Jinn Queen: Enjoying the temperature, and warmth of the city which apparently doesn't start with you!
(both interviewer and Jinn Queen laugh)
Interviewer: OK, I'll lighten up. What supposed to happen now you're in L.A..
Jinn Queen: Tomorrow, at precisely 10:01 a:m I will be in Moscow Russia.
(Jinn Queen backs slowly out the door; and interviewer drops recorder in an attempt to follow her. Last words on recorder from Interviewer. Where the hell did she go?)

Jim Playsric did not delete my comments!

Jim Playsric is a noteworthy troglodyte Arab man living in Canada who has a youtube space filled with the news of the Middle East. I corresponded with him briefly whereas he didn't delete my comments as so many have, and tried to be as friendly as I could with a man whose disease of the Jealous Fathers hinders the sense of immortality of his poor soul. His IQ only seemed slightly above average which was disappointing since I did have some aspirations to discuss the metaphysics of the Gods with him. Yet, he having a monotheistic mind and an Arab his communication skills were very difficult for me since he couldn't get off the subject of his obsessions long enough for him to know what pertinent questions would of given that information about the Gods.

He made a naive statement with a silly assumption that I would need to meet Zoroastrians which I objected to (to assist My Movement), and of course he reacted by accusing me of hating Persians. I tried to explain my objections were monotheistic, and yet it was hard pressed to see if he saw my point.

An amusing thought, someone accusing me of hating Persians when the entire civilization has been long been murdered off! Of course, the geography is now called Iran. If the true polytheistic Persians were alive today they would state they were under Iranian Occupation or Muslim Occupation!! Yet Jim Playsric's confusion & lack of education regarding history should not surprise me. He, after all, has been listening to other troglodyte's of the press who in turn are so ill informed that the reports in the Middle East are always without body, and a repetition of the same demonic current that Islam represents that it seems he cannot carry on a civilized conversation without arguing endlessly.

As for the Zoroastrians, they therefore cannot be named Persians but disgruntled Arabs who rot away there lives with the virus of Zoroaster's pathetic monotheism which gives you nothing in the way of spiritual attainments. What it does give you is delusions of being a Mystic Philosopher when in fact the system is so undeveloped it amounts to masturbation of the intellect.

So, having taken enough nonsense from Jim Playsric and not wanting to be overly obnoxious by ripping his feeble intellect to shreds with my more trained and advanced intellect I did a Tarot Reading for him that was beyond his intellectual, spiritual, and magical comprehension and dismissed him like a cat would a diseased mouse.

I did my best leave him with a friendship impression and of course being a hypnotized Arab man, he was no doubt was flattered by my salute as I hit the door for greener pastures.

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